Placentrex Gel

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Product codeGCS-0014
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Placentrex Gel

Placentrex gel for wounds

Placentrex gel is used in healing of wounds in human. The gel is prepared from the placenta collected after the birth. Each placenta is rich in nutrients which regenerate the skin and tissues which were harmed during from the wound. Works very well for non healing wounds which do not get healed easily. Manufactured by Albert David placentrex gel is completely safe to use.  Placentrex gel online available at GenericChemistShop you can buy it for as low as $5.50 for 20gm gel. It has also anti ageing properties and can treat non healing scars as well. It reduces them as it is rich in proteins and nutrients.

What is placentrex gel used for

Placnetrex gel contains actual placenta which was once connected between the mother and the unborn child to transfer nutrients from the mother to the child. It has all many nutrients, hormones and various proteins. The extract helps in treating various wounds which can take more time to heal. It can be very beneficial for diabetes patients who’s wound may take more time to heal.

The proteins present in the placenta are extracted and these proteins helps in healing of the wound. It hydrates the skin which makes it a great product for anti ageing. Some of the scars can also be removed with the help of the gel.

Is it safe ?

The placentrex gel is produced from the real placenta collected after the successful delivery of the baby. After taking the placenta it is frozen to temperature lower than -100 Celsius. On 8th day it brought to the factory and converted to placentrex gel contains placenta extracts.

Buy placentrex gel online

Buy Placentrex gel online at GenericChemistShop at $5.50 for 20gm gel pack.


Some of the uses are listed below

  • Injury
  • Non healing wounds and injury.
  • Burns
  • Skin regeneration
  • Reducing fine lines
  • Slow down ageing
  • Heals scars which have became non healable over the time.
  • Smoothing the skin
  • Placentrex gel for burns

Placentrex gel for burns

The gel has placenta extracts which are rich in proteins which can reproduce the skin which got injured due to burns. Order placentrex gel online at GenericChemistshop

Source of Placenta

Placenta is sourced from the hospitals the manufacturer Albert and David itself collects it from the hospitals after the delivery of the baby. They are carefully tested in the labs and the one selected are frozen to -100 celsius.

How to use placentrex gel

  1. First apply the gel on cleaned wound.
  2. Let the gel dry for few minutes
  3. Avoid washing the gel after applying it on the wound.
  4. Apply thin layer of the gel only


  • Keep it away from children
  • Avoid contact with the eyes
  • After applying avoid washing the wound
  • If irritation persist contact your physician
  • Do not over apply the gel.

Side effects

There are no side effects reported with the product.

How many times I need to apply placentrex gel ?

As per the physician you must apply twice daily once in the morning. Second time during the night before sleeping.

Can I use in pregnancy ?

If you are pregnant you must share with your doctor ask for expert opinion on the product before using.

Is it safe while breast feeding ?

If you are breastfeeding you must get expert opinion if you can use the skin while breastfeeding or not.


Missed dose: Missing dose will not cause any problem just apply the gel as soon as you remember.

Overdose : Overdose can cause skin drying. Do not over apply the product without doctor’s suggestion. Overdose won’t help in speeding up the healing process. It will take the time to heal properly.


Additional information

Active Ingredient

Placenta Extract


Placentrex Gel


Albert David


1 gel/20gm


Placenta exract 0.1gm


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